A Well-Documented Holiday Vacation

For the first time in over five years (i.e. when I dragged my Jersey-boy out to California), we went back East for the holidays. This was the girls' first, we'll say interactive, Christmas & New Year's, as they were only just over three months old last holiday season. So, what did I do? DOCUMENTED IT! Not to mention, Santa brought me a new, amazing camera that I call the girls' "new sister." So, I had a lot (understatement) of fun putting her to use.

Here's a video montage. When I showed the girls yesterday, they watched it intently, then clapped and said, "YEEES!" Hopefully you enjoy it in a similar manner :)

Below are a few photos from our amazing celebrations. To see the lot, go >here< to check out the gallery.

Hope you all had a lovely holiday season! Thanks for taking the time to see a taste of ours!
